Peptide-Based Building Blocks: Advancing Supramolecular Catalysis and Electronic Integration in Biosensor Applications

Prof. Wendel Alves from UFABC in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Suchi Guha
Physics Library

Abstract: Self-assembling peptides have emerged as a cutting-edge class of materials that can be engineered to form one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D), and three-dimensional (3D) nanostructures, with diverse potential applications in bioimaging, tissue engineering, controlled drug delivery, and as catalysts and sensitive elements in biosensors. These peptide compounds are highly versatile molecular building blocks, attributable to their rich chemical diversity and inherent affinity for biological interfacing. The functionalization of these nanomaterials with nanoparticles of transition metals, conjugated polymers, and photoluminescent compounds has expanded their application range within nanotechnology. Moreover, organized systems of peptides have shown significant promise in asymmetric catalysis, particularly in aldol reactions, offering a novel route for synthesizing optically active compounds. This seminar primarily focuses on designing peptide-based materials for asymmetric catalysis and constructing biomimetic systems, emphasizing applications in biosensor devices.


Wendel Andrade Alves is a Full Professor at the Federal University of ABC, Brazil, and a Research Fellow of the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Level 1B. He has a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, where he also completed a Post-Doctoral fellowship in Physical Chemistry at the Laboratory of Electroactive Materials. His research interests involve the supramolecular assembly of natural and synthetic polymers, the self-assembly of peptides, and biosensor development.