The Physics and Astronomy Department hold regular seminars and events on a variety of topics. Please see below for further details.
Event Name | Date, Time and Host | Summary |
Atom Probe Tomography: Possibilities, Limitations, and Debunked Myths |
Abstract: Atom probe tomography (APT) is a three-dimensional characterization technique that ideally can resolve both positions and chemical identities of the atoms in a material. Unlike “focused-beam” microscopy techniques which rely on X-rays or electron beams for… Show more Speaker: Prof. Wolfgang Windl, Ohio State University |
Bioprinting and 3D-Cell Assays Using Microgel Support Baths |
At relatively low polymer concentrations, granular hydrogel particles, commonly called microgels, undergo a jamming transition and behave like a soft elastic solid with reversible yielding. Over the past decade, these microgel packings have been utilized as… Show more Speaker: Prof. Christopher S. O'Bryan, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, MU |
TBD | Speaker: Rohan Mishra, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Washington University in St. Louis |
Probing mechanical integrity of metals and ceramics across length and time scales |
Abstract: TBD
Speaker: Prof. Wen Jin Meng, Louisiana State University |
TBD | Speaker: Prof. Hyunsoo Kim, Department of Physics, Missouri S & T |
O.M. Stewart Colloquium |
Abstract: TBD
Speaker: Prof. Haiqing Lin, University of Zhejiang |
Speaker: Prof. Amitava Choudhury, Department of Chemistry, Missouri S & T |
Towards a Better Understanding of the Transient Flow and Heat Transfer Fundamentals via Advanced Instrumentation and Physics-Based Modeling |
Accelerating the development and deployment of advanced energy systems is crucial in an increasingly “energy-hunger” world, especially with the advent of AI era. In today’s U.S. energy market, nuclear power accounts for 20% of the total electricity generation… Show more Speaker: Prof. Yue Jin, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of Missouri |
O.M. Stewart Colloquium |
Abstract: TBD
Speaker: Prof. Feige Wang, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
TBD | Speaker: Prof. Kurt Brorsen, Department of Chemistry, MU |
TBD | Speaker: Xi Wang, Department of Physics, Washington University in St. Louis |
TBD | Speaker: Prof. Hartwin Peelaers, Department of Physics & Astronomy, The University of Kansas |