The Quantum and the Cosmos

Dr. Edward Kolb
126 Physics Building
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Image credit: Chris Stabb

Guest Speaker

Dr. Edward Kolb

The University of Missouri and the American Physical Society invite you to an open lecture by the renowned Dr. Edward "Rocky" Kolb, Arthur Holly Compton Distinguished Service Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Chicago.

Thursday, Nov. 30
7-8 p.m.

126 Physics Building
701 S College Ave
Columbia, MO 65211

Dr. Edward Kolb

The Quantum and the Cosmos

Quantum laws rule the microscopic world. In the Big Bang era, our world was subatomic and governed by quantum phenomena which generated all the cosmic structures, from galaxies to light, around us today. This connection between the quantum and the cosmos may explain the nature of dark matter holding together our galaxy and the mysterious dark energy tearing apart our universe.

The Quantum and the Cosmos is free and open to the public.

Following the lecture, attendees may visit Laws Observatory. 

The Quantum and the Cosmos is part of the American Physical Society Prairie Section Fall 2023 Meeting

Attendees can visit the meeting website for a full schedule plus information about parking, lodging, APS membership and more.