Suchi Guha

Suchi Guha
Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
422 Physics

PhD, Arizona State University

Research Summary

Organic optoelectronics and optical spectroscopy of organic/inorganic semiconductors.

Research Description

Prof. Suchi Guha’s research activity focuses on organic semiconductors. Her research involves optical spectroscopic techniques such as Raman scattering, photoluminescence/absorption, modulation spectroscopy including high-pressure techniques; fabrication and characterization of light-emitting displays, field effect transistors, and solar cells using organic polymers and molecules. She exploits light scattering techniques to answer key questions pertaining to the local structure of conjugated systems and in probing the nature of vibronic coupling as well as structural changes associated with transport in organic field-effect transistors (FETs) and other devices.

On-going research projects involve: (i) improving the performance of FETs by controlling the polymer-dielectric interface via modification of the dielectric layer and incorporating new growth techniques for the polymer layer; (ii) probing charge transfer complexes in bulk heterojunction organic solar cells; (3) the role of triplet excitations in charge transport and light-emission mechanisms; (4) high-pressure optical spectroscopy of donor-acceptor bulk organic heterojunctions.